Wednesday, March 16, 2011

#4- Caffeine!

I know, it's a silly thing to be thankful for, but hey it's what's fueling this girl today. After a late night of fun with my wedding peeps last night, and a bunch of tossing & turning till after 4am (yes, I'm well aware that I could have been up due to caffeine I do know irony when I see it) it really is the only thing keeping me from sleeping at my desk in school right now drooling on myself. Great mental image right? :)

Some consider it a drug, others a godsend. I'm in the latter category of course. When you lead as busy of life as I do you need something to keep you pumped and going strong, for me that's caffeine. Today alone I've already consumed 2 shots of espresso (in iced vanilla late form. YUM) and half a glass of mountain dew (I know, totally unhealthy, don't judge me!). Caffeine comes in many different forms, but my favorites tend to be coffee (espresso to be precise), soda, matcha green tea shots, iced black tea, and the occasional energy drink. If you've ever seen me at a wedding you know my day runs off of the soda of the week, whether it be diet coke, dr pepper, mountain dew, or pepsi, I have to have something all day long. Have to do something to keep the momentum going for 14+ hours! I love coffee, like I said mainly espresso, and iced. I am a regular at Peet's Coffee by my house (they know my name, my drinks, and my businesses) but in my defense I also hold a lot of consultations there. I also can be seen sipping Starbucks (iced black tea plain is a must) or Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf iced vanilla late. I love caffeine, and am very thankful to have it in my life. So from this cracked out caffeine-aholic I say thank you caffeine for keeping me awake, alert, and sometimes a little crazy.


1 comment:

  1. Ahh caffeine. I still remember visiting out cousins out in Iowa one time (mom, grandma, and me) and by day three we all had raging headaches because the only "coffee" in the house was decaf barley coffee. We had to drive into Hi-Vee to get Starbucks lattes (or whatever are in those glass bottles). I'm not actually sure caffeine does anything for me other than get rid of caffeine headaches. I can drink a sugar free red bull and go to sleep. I just like the medicine taste. Anyway, I am thankful for caffeine, too. It's not lame.
