Sunday, March 13, 2011

Thankful Thing #1- ANDY

So here we go, post #1 and it's a big one! This post is dedicated to my favorite person on this planet, my soul-mate, the love of my life, my monkey, Andrew (Andy) Charles Halvorsen. I don't even know where to begin to list all the things I can be thankful for about him. Andy is the most patient, kind, understanding person I know. The perfect yin to my very much yang. He keeps me in balance (something I constantly strive for being a Libra). He knows just what to say to calm me down, cheer me up, or rid me of my (almost constant) confusion. He's smarter then me, which I like, I can ask him almost anything and he knows the answer. Though there are times where the answer turns out to be incorrect and he just wanted to make something up I would believe to be funny. He really is a funny guy. He's great with my family, loving & caring to our dog Chomper (though he'll never admit it), a wonderful chef (professionally and at home when he feels like cooking), and an awesome best friend. He makes me strive to be a calmer, more peaceful, more accepting, better person every day. He has literally saved my life before (he took me to the ER at 2am when I had swine flu & step throat at the same time and I refused to go) and did a wonderful job nursing me back to health after. He took care of everything while I was sick; made sure I ate, drank fluids, took all my meds, etc. A top rate caretaker for sure. :) He's totally helpful when I need someone to bounce ideas off of, even though most the time those ideas are wedding related, he always has good suggestions. He even feeds my wedding addiction by bringing me home wedding magazines and showing me new ideas/vendors online from time to time. He has helped with many floral projects (even tried his hand in designing), made crafts for weddings, and has gone to weddings to assist me before. He is man of the house, making sure to always work hard to provide for our family. He never complains when he works 14-16 hour days or doesn't get a day off for months, he just works. He's great with kids, he really knows how to keep them entertained. He is a huge beer enthusiast and knows more about beer then anyone else I know. He is just genuinely the perfect guy for me. He's not perfect, we're not perfect by any means, but we're us and that's all I care about.

So here's to my man! May your work days be stress free & enjoyable, your afternoons filled with disc golf & beer, your nights be spent with friends, food, and happiness, and may you always fall asleep by my side knowing that I love you so. Cheers baby!

Thank you Andy for everything, you're my first of many things to be thankful for and I love you.

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